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Elevate Your Speaking Skills with the

Perseverance Speakers Academy

Unlock your potential as a confident and impactful public speaker at the Perseverance Speakers Academy. Whether you feel public speaking “challenged” or “called”, PSA programs are designed for aspiring and established speakers. Training caters to your unique public speaking needs and includes:


Your goal in public speaking is not about “talking to” but rather “connecting with.” That is why I never coach speakers to just give a speech for people to hear.

“I coach speakers to share knowledge and experiences that people can feel.”

– Vera Jones, Founder

Perseverance Speakers Academy

Who are the Perserverance Speakers?


The answer is humble and simple. They are ordinary people who have learned how to share their extraordinary stories, and they do it with genuine passion to help others grow personally and professionally. They do it with genuine purpose to affect positive change in the world.

Former NBA player and Perseverance Speaker, Demetris Nichols receiving 1:1 Coaching via  Zoom with Vera Jones.Vera  is a Motivational Speaker and former ESPN and BTN Broadcaster


Through being sheltered at home in a pandemic, inundated with negative, misleading media messages of a nation divided, we have slowly and subliminally lost KEY elements that help us through adversity – positive mindset and human connection.

Perhaps the change we seek lies in not being talked to, but in connecting to. It lies in directly connecting with. That is why I never coach speakers to just give a speech for people to hear.

“I coach speakers to share a story that people can feel.”

Instead of waiting for engagements to speak, the Perseverance Speakers’ goal is to prioritize speaking to engage. When we initiate connection, we initiate the positive change we wish to see.

For more information about getting involved with the Perseverance Speakers Academy as an Aspiring Speaker, a Tour Client, or a Team Sponsor, please don't hesitate to contact us right away!


Choose the Perseverance Speakers Academy for public speaking coaching to help with one or more of the following:



An estimated 73% of the population has some degree of glossophobia – fear of public speaking. The most common testimony of Perseverance Speaker Academy participants is one of improved confidence in their story, in their delivery, and most importantly, in themselves overall.


Aspiring or developing professional speakers, coaches, trainers, and even “experts” sometimes struggle with “imposter syndrome” because they fear they might not be perceived as credible business or industry leaders. PSA members gain insight into their true strengths and service offerings and develop the confidence and knowledge of how to effectively communicate their expertise.


Effective communication is a critical key to career advancement and success. This program is grounded in empathic communication strategies that will translate into the ability to effectively communicate in all situations, on and off the stage or mic. You learn communication strategies that enhance your ability to speak to anyone, anywhere, and position yourself for significance and success.


Some people just know they are called to share their voice with the world. They are driven by their experiences and stories of passion, pain, and purpose. Learning the art of writing and delivering to the best of your authentic ability is imperative for platform excellence. Concentrating on your signature story development will help you craft your unique narrative to captivate and inspire audiences.


Being paid to speak educational and inspirational messages into the lives of others to make the world a better place is a coveted vocation indeed! This program fully prepares the aspiring or developing speaker with the tools, knowledge, and mentorship needed to get paid to speak as a career or as a “side-hustle.” The opportunities are endless once you get clarity of your goals and potential and learn how the professional speaking industry works. Becoming a Perseverance Speaker is the perfect support path for becoming a paid professional presenter, influencer, or coach.

PSA Testimonials

“Helping professionals develop their confidence, credibility, and calling into extraordinary presentations that inspire and educate the world.”

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